The Best Friends Adult Day Center is always looking for engaging ways to create connections within our Nicholasville/Lexington Community. Earlier this year we were so thankful to start building relationships with the fantastic artists at Lafayette SCAPA High School. We saw firsthand the incredible impact these artistes and their work were able to create!
Community Members at Best Friends shared their favorite food along with memories they held close to these delicious flavors. This process was amazing to hear our participants with Alzheimer’s and Memory Loss being able to vividly describe food they remember eating growing up, a special treat they always prepared for their children, or a meal they fondly enjoyed with a loved one. These memories were typed up and distributed to the SCAPA Lafayette Artists!
Artists were then able to take their time reading through the stories and find one that spoke to them the most. For weeks the artists were hard at work creating artwork to depict what they read from the Best Friend’s words. These memories were read, shared, re-read and finally in the end created into beautiful masterpieces.
This intergenerational project ended with an event at the Best Friends Adult Day Center where the artists, their families, the Best Friends, and their families all gathered to see the artwork on display with one another!

Together our community came together to view this art gallery walk, and to celebrate the stories of our elders. The event ended with certificates presented to every storyteller and artist. This turned out to be a beautiful multigenerational project! We are so thankful for every participant who made this possible!

Click here to see pictures of all of the artwork on our Best Friends Adult Day Center Facebook page!